Dental Veneers

Affordable & Friendly

Local Southern Suburbs Dentists

Dental Veneers

South of Adelaide

At O’Halloran Hill Dental we believe everyone has the right to a bright, beautiful smile. When the teeth are extremely worn, crooked, discoloured or uneven, dental veneers can be the ideal solution. 

As well as improving the appearance of your smile, dental veneers can offer increased protection by strengthening teeth, allowing you to enjoy your smile today and for many more years to come.

They are a popular choice due to their low maintenance and the need for relatively little changes to be made to the existing teeth.

They generally require less removal of the tooth enamel than dental crowns. Good oral hygiene is the only maintenance required once they have been bonded to the teeth.

There are various options for dental veneers. These include composite veneers (completed chairside) and ceramic veneers (created by a technician). Ceramic veneers can also be designed by our dentists using our CEREC technology.

These options vary in aesthetic outcome, treatment time and cost. Our dentists will work with you to help you decide what you ultimately want, what result you are trying to achieve, and to ensure the final result is the smile that will increase your self-esteem and confidence.

To book an appointment please call (08) 8381 4113.

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Frequently asked questions about dental veneers

There is no definite answer to this question. Instead, there are several variables that influence how long your veneers last and how long they look good. However, composite resin veneers tend to retain their appearance for up to 7 years, depending on your habits and lifestyle. 

You may require touch ups and re-polishing because they are prone to staining. Porcelain veneers tend to last and retain their appearance longer. Around the 10-year mark, problems may begin to occur, though there is a chance they will last much longer.

Generally, no, though you may feel some soreness around the gum or even a little sensitivity. However, within a couple of days, everything should be back to normal. 

If you do experience problems or severe pain, make an appointment with your dentist ASAP.

No. You simply need to continue good oral hygiene practices, including flossing, brushing, and rinsing with an antiseptic mouthwash. Your dentist may suggest you stay away from foods and drinks known for causing stains, such as coffee, tea, or red wine.

Potential Risks and Complications Associated with Dental Veneers 

As with all medical procedures, there are risks associated with porcelain veneers, though they are quite rare and minor. They include: 

Tooth Sensitivity: Due to the removal of enamel, permanent tooth sensitivity, especially to cold or hot temperatures, is the biggest risk. If sensitivity lasts for longer than 3 to 6 months, this could indicate an underlying problem, such as leaking dental cement or the exposure of a nerve. 

Dental Damage: When removing enamel, there is the slight potential for underlying dental damage. On the other hand, a veneer that does not fit properly can change your bite’s alignment, which can result in pain when eating, dental sensitivity, or jaw pain and bruxism. 

Future Replacement: Although they tend to last for years, if not decades, veneers will eventually need to be replaced. This requires a second round of enamel removal. If you had extensive erosion prior to your first removal, there may not be enough left for a second set of veneers. Instead, you will need to consider a different restoration process, such as a dental crown or cosmetic bonding. When you are discussing your first set of veneers, you should go ahead and inquire about future replacement possibilities.

If you aren’t 100% sure dental veneers are right for you, you may want to consider crowns or cosmetic bonding. You can discuss your options with your cosmetic dentist.