Invisalign Dental Clinic

Affordable & Friendly


Invisalign Dental Clinic

South of Adelaide

O’Halloran Hill Dental has specialist Orthodontists we work closely with. Having straight teeth can make the world of difference to your confidence as well as making it easier to keep your mouth healthy and clean. 

After a comprehensive examination, we offer advice on the best way to straighten your teeth, either through traditional braces or “invisible” braces. This may be done at our clinic or referred to our associated orthodontist.

We offer Invisalign, which is a great option for adult patients to achieve the smile they want without the appearance and discomfort of traditional braces.

To book an appointment please call (08) 8381 4113.

For more patient reviews & to learn more about us visit our Google or Facebook pages.

Frequently asked questions about Invisalign & clear correct braces

Clear Correct are clear plastic aligners that patients wear in a series to achieve their desired result. 

Each new aligner is designed to move teeth slightly over the course of several months to a couple of years, depending on the level of crookedness or crowding.

Patients will first get an impression of their teeth, and a mold will be made from that impression. Aligners are designed to fit over or “snap on” to the teeth, much like a custom mouthguard might (except much lighter and thinner!). 

ClearCorrect aligners are made from a polyurethane resin that leads its class in stress retention, impact and crack resistance, overall clarity and stain resistance. 

In other words, when cared for properly, ClearCorrect aligners are nearly invisible for the length of treatment.

Every patient will have a different treatment time, as everyone’s mouth is different, as well as everyone’s goals being different.

Some minor crowding cases can be finished in 6-8 months, while other patients may need to wear their aligners for up to two years.

This treatment time is consistent with fixed braces (and sometimes faster) and patients always get the best results when they adhere to their treatment plan properly.

For the best results and to finish treatment within the estimated treatment time, patients should wear their aligners at least 22 hours a day. The only times they should be taken out is to play sport, eat and brush your teeth.

Patients typically get a new set of aligners every 2-4 weeks, depending on their treatment schedule.

Whenever something new is in the mouth such as braces, a new mouth guard, retainers like clear correct, a dull ache or tenderness during the first day or two wearing a new aligner is not uncommon.

This minor discomfort is normal and shouldn’t last to long, usually a few days until you get used to the new position your teeth are moving in to.

Patients can take an over-the-counter pain reliever and eat softer foods during this time.

ClearCorrect aligners are easy to clean, and it is important to do this every day. We adivse patients that when you brush your teeth, take a few seconds to also scrub your aligners with cool water, a little non-abrasive toothpaste and your toothbrush.

This step will help keep your aligners fresh and clear.

Never soak your aligners in hot or warm water as this can warp the plastic and make them fit incorrectly. Which would ruin all your hard work.

An initial consultation is always necessary when considering Clear Correct or any orthodontic treatment. 

You might be surprised by how well Clear Correct can work to correct crooked or overcrowded teeth. Talk with your dentist about your concerns to find out if Clear Correct is right for you.

If your insurance has an orthodontic benefit, you may be eligible for coverage. If your in doubt just give us or your private health provider a call to ask.